Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grace's Big Girl Bed!

Well this wasn't planned and I don't think we were really ready for this but Grace got her.....Big Girl Bed. One day we got a letter in the mail and it said RECALL. It was a letter from Nebraska Furniture Mart saying Grace's convertible crib/bed was recalled and we needed to contact them. So we called them up and they explained to us that we needed to bring the entire bed back to them and they would give us an in store credit. Well so that meant we had to go shopping and find her a new bed. After looking for awhile walking around the bed area of Nebraska Furniture Mart several laps we picked a bed. So here you go............

Gracie trying to help daddy put her new bed together.

Hey Grace....where is daddy?

Yeah! Grace is so excited for her new bed.

Sleepy Girl!

This bed makes her look really tiny. Such a big bed for such a little girl. Grace loves her new bed. Of course with a new bed comes new sheets. We also added a rail along the side of the bed to keep her safe since she moves around so much at night. The first couple nights until we got the long railing added to her bed mommy slept with her. Which of course Grace thought it was great that mommy was sleeping in her bed. I love this bed because of the storage capabilities. It has 4 front draws to help hold her clothes. Also on each end of the bed is a door so you can stores things under the bed. Grace also loves the long side head board unit that allows her to put books and things on the shelves.

1 comment:

oma said...

grace, I love your new bed too. you are a big girl now. sleep tight. xoxo