Monday, July 31, 2006

Mondays should be a weekend

Why are Mondays so hard to get up and go back to work? I don't know about everyone else but I could have slept all morning and just relaxed the rest of the day. At least work went by quickly.
I am putting a challenge out to my little brothers. Yes you two. Since Dustin needs some extra motivation. I will get up early every morning before work and run a mile and half if they do the same. And if they run more I will do the same. Keep track of the miles you run this August. So put on your running shoes.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

What better way to enjoy the hot humid weather than a car wash in the backyard. My dad fixed our water spicket with his plumber expertise and only burned his thumb in the process. I had Crystal and Gina scrubbing the new truck and Gina's car while I made sure no water was leaking. GOOD JOB DENNY! Crystal and I went to the hardware store to pick up some foam insulation to put around the spicket and a hitch pin for the Harley hitch cover. We are handy homeowners when it comes to simple tasks. I would like to thank my family for coming down for the weekend and having a blast at Dave and Busters with us. Also thanks to Dustin for spending a whole week with us. It won't be much fun beating Crystal in darts and she already knows she can't beat me in Madden Football. We had lots of fun and hope to do it again next summer.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Golf Day

Well the boys are off golfing this morning. Chris and Dustin have been waiting to go golfing all week. It just has been to hot to go after Chris gets off work. They figured if they went in the morning they could bet the heat before the day gets really hot.
This last week has been very busy for us. Besides the regular work week we have had Chris's brother Dustin here all week. This week has been fun but tiring. Last Saturday we met Chris's parents in DesMoines to get Dustin. Sunday we went for a bike ride before Crystal had to go to work. Monday Clayton came over and hung out with Dustin playing football on the Xbox. Since Crystal had to sleep all day to go to work for her third night in a row. Tuesday Crystal and Dustin went to the zoo with some of Crystal's friends. Wednesday Crystal and Dustin went with Clayton to meet Bette (Crystal and Clayton's mom) for lunch and go to the Westroads. Clayton had a couple of his senior pictures displayed at the mall by the photographer that we went to see. We also took in the Dinosaur Exhibit when we were at the mall. Wednesday night we went out to get Chris's truck from the shop and test drove a couple of trucks. So Friday night we bought Chris a new truck, a four door Chevy Colorado. Let me say he is very excited about his new toy. Then Friday night we ended up make a mess in the kitchen but had a lot of fun. We made ice cream sandwiches with these new little molds that Darlene(Chris's mom) bought us last weekend. All I have to say is we had ice cream everywhere even on us thanks to Chris. And in between all that there was the boys playing games on the xbox, darts (Crystal won two games in a row!), the boys went for a mile run(Dustin smoked Chris, hehe!), picking vegetables at Crystal's parent garden and a lot of hanging out. And today Chris's parents will be here to spend the rest of the weekend with us and pick up Dustin.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Day to Relax

Our big party we had for our friend Kara last night is over. We had a great turn out and everyone loved Chris's hamburgers. Chris felt like he was working at Hardee's all over again. He was our little grill master and did a fantastic job. We had so much food. Everything went really well except for the door falling off the sun room. We think we had maybe about 60 people show to wish Kara good luck and to say good-bye. Kara had so much fun and couldn't stop tell us thank you. As everything comes and goes and all the fun you have it is nice to have your house back to normal.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Weekend Here, Weekend Gone

Even though we had a long four day weekend it still went by pretty fast. We were busy the whole time and had something to do everyday. It started off friday night when we went out to dinner with Ben and Kenny to Ruby Tuesday. Then the guys had Trey's Bachelor Party. Crystal was able to get together with her friends Kara and Maria for a drink that night. Saturday we had Trey and Abby's wedding. Sunday was the night we went out to Hooters and saw Superman with some friends. Monday night Lucas invited a bunch of us over to his Uncle Mike's 4th of July party. I would have to say we had a lot of fun. Then the 4th of July we had The Juhl family reunion in Manilla, Iowa. Now it is wednesday and Chris is at work and Crystal has to work tonight. Our fun weekend came and gone. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July.