Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Off to Brayden's House we go.......

We found out that Oma and Uncle Dustin were going to be in Ankeny to sign Dustin up for his classes in the fall at DMACC. So we decided it would be a good day to take a day trip to Ankeny so we could see them. It was also a perfect opportunity to get to go see Brayden and Aunt Holly so Grace could spend some time playing with her cousin Brayden. It was perfect because I had the day off and we could make the trip. Off to Brayden's House we went..........

Brayden helping Uncle Dustin move his car so the kids could play.

Grace drive drive......


Brayden having fun with Uncle Dustin.

"Yes Uncle Dustin, I do know how to drive."

Oma playing with Brayden and Grace.

Grace playing with the bubbles.

Brayden ready to play with side walk chalk.

Grace and Brayden playing in the yard. Grace mowing the lawn and Brayden supervising that she does it just right.

Uncle Dustin juggling.

Grace and Brayden grilling!

Grace digging in the dirt.

Brayden having a lot of fun with Grace.

Grace jammin out!

Grace giving a little to much lovin! Brayden thinking "Girl what you doing to me?"

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