Saturday, August 02, 2008

Crawling.............Miss Grace proved us wrong.

"Here I go."
"I am on the move."
"Look at me go."
" I got what i want, nothings going to stop me."
Look who can go every where now.
Grace coming to join us in the kitchen.

We really thought Gracie was not going to ever crawl. Well she proved us wrong thursday night. I was at work and daddy and her were hanging out at home when the little peanut thought she would start something new. Chris saw her crawl and couldn't believe it, he even got it on video camera. They called me up at work to let me know the exciting news. I couldn't believe it was really true. It is so cute to see he crawl all over. Grace crawls like she has been doing it forever. She just keeps on amazing us.

1 comment:

Andrew, Holly and Brayden said...

Yeah Gracie! We are so glad you are finally starting to crawl. Now mommy and daddy will have to chase you around. Hope you are feeling better! Tell your mommy congrats on her new job too :)