Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Guess who is 9 months old already................

Sleeping Beauty!

Mom and Gracie hanging out.
Cole trying to play with Grace and her toys.
Playing with her toys.
Grace supporting the Algona Bulldogs!
Happy girl!
Grace standing in her crib, thinking she is pretty big.

Grace feeding herself and thinking it is pretty neat.
Grace just getting up and waiting for someone to come get her.
Miss cool chick! Grace looking cute.
Aunt Teena hanging with the girls. Those two are a lap full anymore.
Move over and make some room the girls are all over the place with the walkers.
The girls playing bumper cars with their walkers.
Toree, Jonah, and Grace hanging out.
It has already started Grace and Toree ganging up on Jonah. Watch out Jonah you are in trouble with these two girls.
Grace and her cousin Toree playing together.
Grace picking out toys.........
.....and throwing them out of the box.
Grace playing with her cousin Jonah.
Gracie getting into the apples at Grandma and Papa Juhls.
Hanging out with Uncle Wade.
Grace what are you up to?
Grace in her crib, she got her self backed up into the corner.
Grace on the go, watch out she will run you over.
Grace got to go swimming, she loved being in the pool.

Yep you guessed it our little Peanut. Doesn't it seem like we were just 9 months pregnant and waiting for that day our bundle of joy was going to be born. Now she is 9 months old. I can't believe it is even possible that she has been around this long already. Grace is just growing and changing so fast. Each day seems like it is flying by, but each day is so exciting with our baby girl around. She is always doing something new. Now when Grace wakes up and yells for us to come get her we find her sitting up in her crib waiting for us. Just this week she has figured out how to pull her self up to standing in her crib. Time to lower the crib. This girl still does not crawl but she sure gets around. Grace gets into the crawling position and usually backs up. So i guess she kind of crawls backwards a little bit. She also loves to sit on the floor with her toys and play and sometimes she likes to try to play with daddy's toys. Grace had her 9 month check up, she only got one shot this time but she still didn't like it very much. So how big is Grace now, well she weighs 18 lbs 6 oz and is 27 inches long. She is getting bigger but staying on the smaller side, she is below 50% on her height and weight on the growth chart. Grace is working on learning to feed herself. Using a eating utensil is alright but she isn't really digging the sippy cup, she would rather play with it. We will just have to keep working with her and eventually she will get the hang of it. Well all is going well and always staying exciting.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Grace back to her self, feeling better!

Grace looking adorable in her new dress from Oma and Papa Harley. " Thank you Oma and Papa Harley for my beautiful new dress."
Grace fell asleep in her highchair the day she wasn't feeling very good.
Grace hanging out with her cousin Keaton.
Watch out...Grace in her walker. She will run you over, especially Cole.
Grace just a laughing. I am sure it is from something her daddy is doing.

Cole getting to big for the orange chair that he needs to use part of the futon to lay his head.

Grace really likes her book from Aunt Holly, she looks at it all the time.
Grace reading her book from Aunt Holly.
Grace hanging out with her uncle Clayton.
Grace and Mommy out at dinner.
Grace and Daddy looking cute. Grace how come you smile so nice with daddy?
Grace looking really really cute. She looks like she is all dressed up and ready to go to school.
Grace being silly.
Come and get know that you want to.
Brave little Girl!
What do you think you are doing little missy?
Grace sticking her tongue out at the camera. You think she is tired of mommy taking pictures.
Grace getting Cole, she does this all the time.
This little silly girl posing for the camera.
What a little ham.
Grace eating pineapple.

This last week our poor little girl was sick. Tuesday at daycare they said she had not been a very happy all day. Tuesday night she seemed fine. Then wednesday morning she didn't want to eat breakfast which is weird for Grace because she loves her oatmeal. After a couple of bites of oatmeal and 1 oz of formula and Grace refusing to eat anymore she vomited. Then she continued to vomit on and off all day. She couldn't even keep down her pedialyte. Poor little thing. We felt so bad for her and she was making mom nervous because she wasn't keeping anything down. Thursday was better she didn't vomit, drank her pedialyte and even ate a little applesauce. By today she was back to her self. She was wanting to eat and drink her formula like she usually does and played all day long. We think she must of had a little tummy bug.
Otherwise Grace is doing great. She is really wanting to move around and wanting to show us how big she is all the time. One day i put her in her crib sitting and when i came back a couple minutes later she was on her knees holding on to the side of the crib. Before we know it she is going to be standing and trying to climb out of her crib. Grace wants to grab and get everything and she will move and manipulate her self how ever she needs to to get what she wants. Crazy little Girl! The other new thing Grace started doing last week is saying, "Mamma". So now she want to say,"Mamma" all the time and doesn't say,"Dadda" very much anymore. So Chris is now always trying to get her to say,"Dadda". Another new thing Grace does now is sleep on her side. It is so cute to go check on her and she has rolled to her side to sleep, she looks so adorable and peaceful.
I am doing well and has healed well from surgery. Next monday i return to work. Hopefully everything goes well. I know Chris is going to miss having me around every night.