Well we are staying busy as usually. This last weekend we went back to Algona to spend the weekend with Chris's family. On Friday it was Andy's birthday so we were all able to get together and celebrate. Saturday Oma (Chris's grandma) came to Algona to surprise Andy for his birthday and come see all of us. Saturday night we all had a blast playing games, we played apples to apples and taboo. We all laughed so hard, it was so much fun. Then Sunday the fun had to come to an end. We had to leave early afternoon because Crystal had to work Sunday night.
We are bowling again on a Monday night league. This last Monday we had a good night bowling, we all did very well except for Lucas who had to sprain his ankle last Thursday night playing baseball so he couldn't bowl with us. Hopefully next Monday he will be well enough to bowl with us.
The rest of the week we have work of course. Thursday night we are taking Crystal's parents out to eat at this new place in the old market called Jazz (we hear it is really good). Last Friday it was Bob and Bette's 33rd wedding anniversary so we thought we would take them out to celebrate. Then Saturday night we have a wedding in Fremont, NE for one of Crystal's college friends.